Sillie Goosse
Our son was bullied, traumatized, harassed and his hair pulled at school! He was 4! The effects it had on him destroyed me by looking at the sadness in his eyes. I realized this is only the beginning of his walk, in this world of hate for our sons. How can I prepare him? I couldn't teach him the head down mentality to survive it was not an option. Pride, confidence & humility is what I am determined to show him on this painful walk in his skin.
Hmmm our sons!
On his 5th Birthday I gave him a business plan to share with other sons, to prove THEY are more than colors, they will not be labeled by the words they are called, they can stand with their heads held high & they should be proud of the skin they own.
OUR SONS are AMAZING! It's time for the world to see how amazing our sons are!!!!
If You Could Only Give Us One Second !!!!
You Would See Us Beyond
OUR Color!
OUR Title!
OUR Age!